Archive for the tedium Category

I don’t trust princes…

Posted in Emski, Family, Friendlings, Rants, reminiscing, tedium, thoughts on 12/04/2014 by willsalt

Good evening my feline friends.

Speaking of cats, lucky seems to be ill or something, she’s thinning, balding, and no longer stronger than me.

Anyway, I recently completed a Get Into programme with the Princes Trust, which for the most part was interesting and probably useful. Don’t want to just say it was useful as an absolute, because it finished at about 13:00 today, (probably yesterday by the time I post this) so it’s not really had a chance to prove its worth, but I’m sure its time will come. The only real negative experiences came from being forced to stand up in front of a horde (crowd? Audience?) and the curtailing of my creativity by those who don’t appreciate humour in serious presentations. Which is understandable, although choose to feign offence at the way this was ‘explained’ to me.

Anyway, negativity aside I had four weeks of unpaid work, driving for 80 minutes a day, learning new software, and a ridiculous amount of cake-baking. Well, not ridiculous really, you can never have enough cake, I may have made 96 of the things in under a week but more cake can’t be a bad thing. And I learned how to pipe icing, which to be totally honest wasn’t directly related to the Princes Trust in any way, but they sort of coincided so I’ll ignore the obviously fallacious nature of the assumption the two are related. I’ll see which pictures I took survived and throw them in here somewhere…

As much as I hate to praise things, at least things that aren’t me, I do have to say it was generally good. Well, I don’t have to say that, but honesty is a thing when humour’s not involved, so yeah…

On that note, I mentioned the curtailing of creativity, because I like alliteration, and because in the final presentation/celebration/whatever we have to do a little speech thing, and talk about how the programme was. In the interest of not being antagonistic, or a dick, I wrote a nice one on the Thursday (I say wrote, it was transcribed by someone whose writing is more script than scrawl, relatively speaking at least) that more or less said the stuff they wanted to hear without straying far from the truth. Of course, this being me I also had the more… me-ish version, which in my opinion is decidedly more interesting. Not as refined as I’d have liked, I meant to work on it Thursday night but I got distracted by Warframe so that didn’t happen. Instead it was rushed on Friday morning, as with everything I write it’s a combination of blunt honesty, crude humour, mildly offensive remarks, and comic exaggeration and omission all jumbled together to make a poorly constructed mess of words that amuses me. The hope was that it’d also amuse my peers, ‘cause I try to be entertaining from time to time. Then of course someone had to go and try to take it seriously, but let’s not get into that. Anyway, the following is my speech, more or less as I wrote it this morning, except in Calibri right now, for you probably whatever font my blog uses, but I don’t actually remember what that is… There are also a few tweaks to wording, the odd little addition, most of which are things I thought of on Thursday but didn’t think of again so soon after sleeping. Really addles you brain, that whole unconsciousness thing. Final disclaimer, ‘cause apparently I feel the need to repeat myself a lot, this is mostly insincere, comical cynicism designed to amuse myself and those who think similarly to me, so don’t take it as an attack, or admission of anything, very little of it is wholly true.


Good evening, my name is Will Salt, I’m 20 years old, probably, and I come from Swannington; which I say because it sounds better than Coalville. I have spent the last four weeks (well, three and a half really) working with the IT Development team at Lakeside house. While there I have learned how to use Qlick-View and how to pipe icing. Unfortunately as during those four weeks the IT department neglected to provide me with any log-in credentials I’ve been unable to do much actual work.

I joined this programme primarily to gain work experience, but also to try to gain confidence or ability in social interaction. As you may be able to tell from the fact I’m not reading this out, that didn’t go too well. So while in theory this course/programme looked useful, in reality it turned out to be less than exceptional (through chance, not design) but still an interesting experience.

I hope that my less-than-honest claims of what this course did for me will help me find employment, although in reality I think it’s just allowed me to stay away from the jobcentre for four weeks. That and given me the opportunity to do some baking and pipe icing.

However all negativity aside, I would like to thank the IT Development tea, for an interesting few weeks, and my fellow princes trust plebs for entertaining me on our college days; especially the banter of Leah and James that amused me enough to bother with the second day of the programme. And of course thanks to whichever half-wit dared to read a speech written by me, you’ve allowed me to laugh at myself without looking quite as narcissistic as I might had I spoken the words myself, and congratulations on interpreting this unintelligible scrawl.

Have fun, ta-ta.


That’s actually a lot more, tame shell we say, than the original I had in my head. Remind me to format that properly before I post it…

Sort of entertaining right? Maybe, I don’t know, it amused me anyway. Not sure why I’m assuming you’re disagreeing with me on that, because you probably don’t exist. Seriously, I look at the viewer statistics for this thing, most of the hits are from people looking for pictures of trees, saucers or, invisible cookies. And a lot looking for information about Toby Turner for some reason… Why you’d go to a sight called ‘Willski’s Ramblings’ for that is beyond me… anyway, back on topic, no one reads this. If you are reading it, I don’t like you anymore; you’re making a liar of me. 😀

Anyway, after that I had to write a new one, which would fit within their guidelines of acceptable content, for which I’d like to thank Nina for transcribing my inane utterances and forming some sort of coherent speech out of them (and maybe to apologise, my irritation at being taken seriously may have left me less than polite. Scratch that, I don’t apologise) and of course for then reading that speech out for me, as me in front of a large-ish group, hardly capable of talking.

Now I’m being sort of nice, for me at least, that’s weird…

And, people took pictures, in which I look murderous according to Gingee.


My fellow Princces-Trust-ers, among others.

My fellow Princces-Trust-ers, among others.

Don’t like being photographed, couldn’t they have hired someone to weave a tapestry or something? It’d have been more interesting.

Anyway, in conclusion (not that anyone has asked) would I recommend other unemployed young people try the Princes Trust Get Into programme? Well, no, I don’t usually recommend anything, reality is too subjective, but I wouldn’t recommend they don’t bother with it either which coming from me is probably as good as you can hope for.

I’ll follow this with my cupcake recipe ‘cause I said I would. On the basis of an off-hand comment or joke I’ve made a lot of cakes lately, given the relative lack of effort needed to post a recipe it’d seem rude not to.

Aside from that, the midget’s coming back.

Thanks for reading, ta-ta.

-Love Willski.


Well those pictures have come  in in the wrong order… Ehh, too lazy to fix it.

Multi-flavoured cakes

Multi-flavoured cakes


Cupcakes! Piping Icing attempt 1 – Questionable success

Times, and directions

Posted in Emski, Family, Music, reminiscing, tedium, The Scaffold, thoughts with tags , , on 04/10/2012 by willsalt

Good evening.

It’s another Wednesday, we seem to get a lot of those. I almost feel like I see one every week… but maybe I’m just going mad.

Anyway, as is becoming the norm for Wednesdays I’m in college. And usual I get here slightly earlier then I needed to. Today, about 10:30 when we don’t start until 11:20. Emski criticized me for that, apparently it’s too early. She didn’t approve of me getting here at 09:45 on Fridays either, just because we don’t start until 14:00.

Now I’m here. Came in early ’cause I ran out of stuff to do this morning, finished a few DVDs, listened to everything I have by scaffold. Didn’t want to move on to new DVDs, or new artist in case I got distracted and forgot to come in at all. What else was I supposed to do?

On a lighter note, someone pulled up next to me when I was walking here, and asked for directions to Tescos, which obviously I can’t provide because I have a total lack of geographical knowledge, and don’t know how to get there myself. Fortunately for me they were even less well informed about local locations than I, so I sent then to Morrison’s instead.

Didn’t tell them of course, I guess they probably figured it out when they got there.

Hey, look at that. I got post. A Turisas lanyard, and a note telling me that due to at technical error, they failed to ship it with my last (and only) order. Well, that’s nice of them, I didn’t even know I was supposed to get one. I know I didn’t pay for one or anything, is it some sort of promotional thing? I could check, but to be honest I’m not that interested.

And on that note of disinterest, I’m going to post this thing.

Thanks for reading, ta-ta.

Love Willski.

Motivation & Depression

Posted in Family, Father, Mother, Pets, Rants, reminiscing, tedium, thoughts on 03/10/2012 by willsalt

Good evening.

Another enthralling two hour rant from my father, combined with a 40 minute discussion with my mother this afternoon left me with some interesting ideas floating around in my head.

Start with the cat note. Supposedly we can’t allow the cats to live in the house, and parents have been keeping them out with a 100% success rate for days. When one comes in, you have to immediately grab it and throw it outside, sounds rather mean in my opinion. So, about 3 minutes ago I heard some meowing outside my door, and found a Zorro on the landing. (Upstairs, where apparently no cats have been able to get for days). So, I walk downstairs, he keeps talking, and follows me, I walk through the hall, back lounge, and into the kitchen (shutting doors behind me in case he decides to go back). There we have a nice little chat about cruel people forcing the cats to live in the utility room, which he willingly runs in to when I open the door.

Now, compare that to my father’s idea of how that works. I did not have to grab the cat, it didn’t have the unwillingness to go where I wanted it to that he talks about. Didn’t try to claw me when I reached for it (admittedly I was going to stroke it, not pick it up). In my experience, it works like this with most of the cats. Occasionally with some of them, usually Scar face or one of the little kittens, you may have to pick them up and carry them out of the room they shouldn’t be in, but they never scratch, bite or struggle (unless I walk near parents, or occasionally Wayne). Maybe the cats just like me more.

Another example, when there’s a lucky sitting on my bed, I can “belly flop” onto the bed next to her, and at most she’ll look at me like I’m an idiot. When Mother’s in the room, if I just sit on the bed she jumps up and runs to the other end.

Anyway, enough about human-cat interaction.

Secondly, interesting discussion with my mother; in that we established that while I generally consider myself a deceptively positive person with force pessimistic tendencies, but a general willingness to live, fascination with life and the things it entails, she considers me clinically depressed and liable to commit suicide. So slightly different from how I view myself.

Let’s play with definitions, because that’s what I do when I’m bored.

Wikipedia says:

“Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can have a negative effect on a person’s thoughts, behavior, feelings, world view and physical well-being. Depressed people may feel sad, anxious, empty, hopeless, worried, helpless, worthless, guilty, irritable, hurt, or restless. They may lose interest in activities that once were pleasurable; experience loss of appetite or overeating; have problems concentrating, remembering details, or making decisions; and may contemplate or attempt suicide. Insomnia, excessive sleeping, fatigue, loss of energy, or aches, pains or digestive problems that are resistant to treatment may be present.”

So of those, state of low mood, I’m quite happy most of the time. When I’m not, it’s usually because a game’s frustrating, which often makes me more amused than frustrated, and still quite happy. Alternatively, if I’m bored for some reason, such as when walking too college, there’s nothing to do on the way there; or when someone’s ranting at me, or hitting me with a lamp stand for attempting to answer a question accurately rather than lying to give them the answer they want.

Aversion to activity, I don’t have that. I’ll concede, I spend all day cooped up in my room on my computer, but I’m active while I’m there. Not physically active, but I would be if the things I find interesting (reading, gaming, etc.) required it.

Neither of those has any of the effects specified in the rest of the sentence.

I’m lazy, so I’ll just do this part as a list.

  • Feel:
    • Sad: We covered this one.
    • Anxious: nope.
    • Empty: far from it, if anything I feel like there’s too much of me in here.
    • Hopeless: while there’s not much I hope for, I’m not hopeless, that normally has more to do with feelings of impending failure and all that.
    • Worried: I worry about nothing, well nothing rational. There’s the paranoia that I try to avoid mentioning, where I’m concerned someone may be watching my every move, but even that I don’t worry about.
    • Helpless: I don’t recall knowingly experiencing helplessness, except for one dream with a wolf. I think dreaming about being dismembered by a wolf probably means something else anyway. But I’m always of the belief that most circumstances can be improved, one can usually help oneself. Obviously, there are cases when this doesn’t apply, for example when freefalling towards earth, stark naked from the ISS with no equipment you’re pretty helpless.
    • Worthless: this is an interesting one. I know on the societal level, as an unemployed young male, I’m pretty worthless. On the familial level, within my family, I’m pretty worthless, operating as a drain on resources while providing little more than a stream of mockery and insults, “smart-arsed comments” and criticism.
    • Guilty: I don’t feel guilt, well not about significant things. I feel guiltier about killing Khajiit’s in Skyrim, than about insulting family members. (Heh, murder > insults.)
    • Irritable: not at all with this, I’m the least irritable person I know. Patient to the point of fault, even when it comes to someone mocking, or prodding me.
    • Hurt: this lacks context. The traditional hurt feelings? That’s not happened for as long as I can remember, even when my mother tells me it’d be better if I just killed myself. But I only seem to get hurt in the physical sense. And even then not often, without the decelerated healing linked with depression or stress.
    • Restless: nope. Admittedly, it’s 00:27 am, and I’m up writing a blog post, but I’m not restless, I don’t pace unnecessarily, except as a substitute for exercise, and I don’t lose sleep, I just shifted sleep cycles.


    • May lose interest in activities that once were pleasurable: Not at all. The activities I find pleasurable, e.g. gaming, haven’t changed for… when did I first get a gaming console? Or did I game on PC before then? A long time. Warhammer, I don’t do for financial reasons, DnD I don’t know anyone who DMs, and my own campaign writing is hindered by laziness, and an unwillingness to write anything down. (I want to write it by hand, ‘cause it’s easier, but that’s less convenient than typed and no one can read my handwriting. But then typing, it’s harder to add diagrams, sketches etc.)
    • Experience loss of appetite: I eat a lot.
    • Or overeating: I’ve always eaten a lot, yet at 5’10” I’m still only 56kg. Maybe I have worms…
    • Have problems concentrating: Not on things that interest me. Obviously if you try to get me to concentrate on paint drying I’ll have problems, (actually I’ve done that for fun before, so maybe I do have problems… 😛 ) but gaming, reading, coding, general learning and the like, I can concentrate on fine. Even great at concentrating on multiple things at the same time. Such as maintain a conversation with mother while I was fighting Romulans. It’s kind of depressing that Word doesn’t know “Romulan”.
    • Remembering details: my memory’s great. Okay, I can’t remember faces but that’s nothing new. Details, this is hard to prove here. Interrogate me on something, that’d work better, because while off the top of my head I can say that the not-werewolves (but also not normal humans) of the quileute tribe have a natural body temperature of 108.9 degrees Fahrenheit, and that on a “brain day” in year 8 I was given a list of things to remember that consisted of “Door, Mat, table, lamp, cat, stairs, dog, carpet, box, shoe” that’s just two specific things. As facts they’re not details.
    • Making decisions: Okay, this one’s right. I’m bad at making decisions, deciding what to do, where to start, and so on. The only decision I seen that good at is what to eat. But for that I need options in front of me.
    • Contemplate or attempt suicide: I have done this, but only considered it for comic or dramatic effect. Never seriously as a life choice.
    • Suffer from:
      • Insomnia: Nope. I don’t have issues sleeping. Well, I have difficulty getting to sleep, that normally takes me 1-2 hours of lying in bed doing nothing with no notable stimuli, like a TV to distract me. But even that’s frequently broken when I sometime “drop off” while watching TV.
      • Excessive sleeping: Nope. Not excessive, just poorly timed.
      • Fatigue: Nope.
      • Loss of energy: Nope.
      • Aches: Nope.
      • Pains: only when I’m injured. And the occasional throbbing pain in my arteries/veins/other notable blood vessels.
      • Digestive problems: nope, well none I’ve noticed.

So of that list, there are something like 25 criteria up there, I meet one wholly and a few partials. I think that’s a not depressed. Or greatly in denial.

Onto the final part, motivation.

This stems from the rant from my father, a man who doesn’t seem to understand this concept. The example that was the basis of much of his rant is my education. My incentive is the qualifications I get at the end of it. That motivates me enough to do the bare minimum. He doesn’t understand that I’d need greater motivation to give up the pleasures of my life, (gaming, reading, TV etc.) and focus fully upon the education. But I lack that level of motivation. I can coast on my natural intellect, which I both overestimate and underestimate, so I do. But, here’s the important part so pay attention, just because I don’t have the motivation to go the extra mile; doesn’t mean I won’t go whatever distance is required before the extra mile. That’s a saying I find it hard to elaborate upon.

Now, I could continue to rant and whine for another few dozen pages, and hours, until I’m blue in the face. An inaccurate saying, I’m typing not speaking. Until my fingers are bleeding, or until they’ve worn down to the bone, and the clacking of carbonated hydroxyapatite on plastic finally pisses someone off so much they make me stop, or the blood loss causes me to pass out. Or causes the keyboard to malfunction or break. I guess then I could use dictation software, but my previous experiments with that proved ineffective.

On that non-closing note, I shall end.

Thanks for reading. Ta-ta.

Love Willski.

Soap, and my thoughts on it.

Posted in Rants, tedium, thoughts with tags , , , , , , , , on 24/09/2012 by willsalt

Good evening.

Today, well tonight, I’d like to discuss a very serious matter with you. Soap; specifically the different methods of dispensing it, and the antibacterial effects of different types of it.

For the sake of this article, let’s assume you accidently leant in a petri dish of deadly Ebola.

You have the traditional bar of soap. Assuming it’s a solid bar with no case, then you’d think  that any bacteria left on it would be killed by either the dryness, the alkalinity, (or possibly acidity, but I don’t recall a soap that advertised itself as acidic) or an antibacterial agent. That’s not the case. Bacteria on the bar will evolve right before your eyes. Well, not really right before your eyes, unless you’re holding the soap in front of your face; and even then you wouldn’t see them. But some bacteria transferred to the soap may be able to survive there, whether through tolerance of alkalinity or other antibacterial agents, or through a process such as anthrax’s spores, which tend to survive whatever you do to them.

While the soap and water may allow you to wash the Ebola off your hands, you still have issues when someone else uses the soap. The Ebola that was able to survive there has now reproduced, and now your spouse is coughing up blood, and bleeding from every orifice you can think of.

Of course, it’ll be pretty rare to come across a bacterium that can thrive on soap, partially because there’s no food there, mostly because bacteria can’t evolve to PH as rapidly as they can to drugs. All their biological processes have optimum ranges of temperature, PH, substrate concentrations etc. that they need to operate properly, slow a few of these down and most bacteria will die. But for the ones that can live there, I think we can agree that bars of soap are bad.

So then you have soap dispensers. We’ll start with the simple pump action ones. (That’s not a shotgun that fires soap at people).

They’re quite simple, you put your hand under the nozzle, press the pump and soap comes out. Usually liquid soap, getting the bars through the tube is awkward. This has advantages, the liquid soaps can more effectively cover the entire hand, and killing everything they can everywhere. Obviously you have issues with the resistant remnants still growing on the hand, but they’re not left on the soap, that’s safe in the soap reservoir. Sounds good?

But if you look back, press the pump. That’s an un-cleaned hand, you wash them and go away, then what does the bacterium do? Well it’s sitting on a used pump it’s subjected to a small dose of the soap, there’s going to be some there, whether from splashing, people going back for seconds, or just having flowed  from the nozzle. Well if you can recall basic below-GCSE science, then you’ll know that’s how immunisation works, so these bacteria evolve or adapt to the soap and breed as best they can.

So when little Jim comes along to wash his hands, presses the pump, his hands get a nice dose of anti-bacterial resistant Ebola, and then you’ve got the bleeding and dying again.

Well this problem is solved by the automatic soap dispenser. You know the ones, usually refillable, have some form of motion or heat sensor, which detects a hand beneath it and dispenses soap for you. Cuts out the problems with the pump, but opens up a new issue, (well an old issue that I’ve avoided mentioning until now because I wanted something new in this paragraph,) can you guess what it is? The tap, or the faucet to you Americans. You still have to turn the tap on to wash the soap off. If you turn the tap on before getting the soap, you give it a full dose of bacteria, which you immediately pick up again after you’ve washed the soap off. You turn it on after soaping up, well you’ve put soap and bacteria on there, and eventually you’ll get the immunising  process working, and you’ve got Ebola for anyone who’s washed their hands, gone for a glass of water, or to brush their teeth, unless they do that in the shower. Sounds pretty odd to me but I’ve been told by several people (well, Americans) that brushing your teeth in the shower if normal, and that everyone does it.

So those aside, there are the antibacterial hand creams (or something like that) that my Grandmother was fond of, until she forgot about them. A bottle of soapy stuff that kills the bacteria on your hands, and the cream evaporates, or soaks into your hand or something. You avoid the tap problem all together. But then there’s still the bottle. The bottle doesn’t get the same antibacterial treatment, so you handle that you pick it all up again.

So finally, you have a combination of the previous two. The latter in an automatic dispenser, you may have seen those lining walls in NHS hospitals. (Although not all of them were automatic, and I don’t know about their presence in non-NHS hospitals.) Seems perfect? If yes, your idea of perfection is pretty odd. Come on, you go for a hand cream dispenser over Jeri Ryan, or Omega Particles? If yes, you’re an idiot.

I could probably find flaws in those three too, but then this post would go on forever and I kind of want to sleep at some point, so let’s assume this topic is resolved, if just to save my sanity. Or atleast what little of it is left.

I hope you found this informative, and that I haven’t turned you into germaphobes/Mysophobics. (Mysophobia, the pathological fear of contamination and germs.) Or that I have, if that’s a better state of being, you decide. But don’t tell me, because I don’t care what you think. Why? Because you don’t exist. Seriously, no one reads these things. I don’t know why I even write them.

I guess by extension you get Mysophilia, attraction to or sexual arousal from contamination, germs. Well, dirty or soiled objects/material/people according to Wikipedia.

Thanks for reading, ta-ta.

Love Willski.


P.S. Don’t catch Ebola.

Yet another return of me.

Posted in Benski, Birthdays, Cows, Family, Friendlings, HND Computing and Systems Development, Matt, PC, Rants, reminiscing, Stephenson's College, tedium, thoughts, Tom on 03/09/2012 by willsalt

Good Evening dearest readers.

I feel I’m being optimistic with the plural there. In fact, “Reader” alone would probably be an overestimation.

As you may have noticed, I haven’t posted anything for a while, and my plan today is to change that. Unfortunately, I didn’t think of anything to say before I started writing this, so there’s a pretty good chance this won’t go well.

It is September third, 2012. My birthday was just over a week ago,(I’m 19 now, I think…) which was an interesting experience. In the sense that it was actually interesting, not like when I usually say something interesting. “I accidently put my arm in a wood chipper, which was interesting. Turns out Clark Kent’s the only one that can survive that unscathed.”

Not like that. Besides, he’s fictional, he doesn’t count. It was a genuinely interesting, if odd, day/night. We played games, watched tangled, shot each other with Nerf Guns, had cake, watched The Lord of the Rings, Extended Editions, Well the first two. They’re really long films, and ginger-type people apparently have to go home at around 09:00 AM. I may have to abduct him to watch the last one… That is assuming he wants to watch it.

Heh, I keep referring to “we” and “he”, without saying who they are. A clue, one of them is my brother, another is my ginger (apparently I own him), and the other is very inconsistent. He ranges from bovine, through equine, ursine, avian to Turian, and none of those are accurate. He’s also frequently some variety of rodent, except that he isn’t, if that makes sense.

It being the third, I have 16 days until my college course starts up again. I’m interested to find out if I’m actually still on it. I kind of hope I am, because I could do with the student finance type money, to buy parents and siblings birthday and Christmas type things, to buy myself game and film type things, and maybe to buy something educational. Hopefully they’ll have me, although I did neglect to hand a few things in by the final deadline. Hopefully they’ll just reissue them for me next year, (by next year I mean in 16 days) which they may not like… They’re picky about things like “doing the work” at that place, really they’re getting paid whether I do it or not so I don’t think they should care. Doubt they see it like that, they’d probably say “It’s because we care about our students”. What they mean is “It’s because your failing makes us look bad, and you’re just an implement for us to improve our appearance. Not in a selfish way of course, you still may get a qualification, it’s more of a symbiotic relationship, only it’s not.” Which was slightly more long winded than I initially intended it to be… And Microsoft word is really insistent I should have a question mark after that ellipsis.

I’ve added another page to this site, it includes a list of games, films, tv series etc. that I own copies of. I know, I promised you other pages first, and I’ve failed to deliver them, but that’s because I’m lazy, and none of you exist to motivate me to do things. If you do, tell me and I’ll get right on it.

You’ll also have to tell me what I was supposed to do, ‘cause I’ve kind of forgotten.

You know, (you don’t know, you will soon though assuming you keep reading) I’m the only person I know who does that, or that for that matter. The latter being the pointless clarification in brackets breaking up and elongating sentences to the point that they’re indecipherable, the former being using apostrophes like that. For example, if I try to type “evening”, but I miss the “g” in the end, I’ll go back and add an apostrophe, because that’s what it would’ve sounded like had I been saying it. As you may know, I tend to write how I speak, only without my tendency to be incoherent, hence writing ‘cause. I’m lazy, I save time not saying that syllable.

Of course my handwriting is less intelligible than my speech, I can’t read it, nor can anyone I know, so some may say that’s a closer reflection than this typing.

It appears I’m back to criticising myself, and providing a running commentary on what I’m writing. I hope that makes this at least interesting to read, because the actual content of this is irrelevant to just about everyone. I know that for a fact, I’m not delusional; at least not about the importance of my ramblings here, or lack thereof.

Interpret that however you like, it may be what I meant.

Someone finally asked me “Wie kannst du mich sehen?”, in reference to my “Ich kann dich sehen!”. My response was somewhat accurate “Durch den Einsatz von Magie, Täuschung und Lüge.“

In English that’s something like “I can see you”, “How can you see me?”, “Through the use of magic, deception and lies.”

Which is wholly accurate, I see you using magic. And I’m lying/deceiving you by claiming to have magic powers, and being able to see you. Most of you, a few of you I can see. Sometimes.

And now my dictionary’s changed to Germany, so I’m not getting any autocorrects from Microsoft word, that’s interesting. Well the only “mistake” was a none-capitalised “English”, and it thinks a one word sentence is a fragment. Which I guess is understandable.

Do you ever find there’s an annoying flashing blue light in the corner of your vision? The LED in that memory stick far brighter than it needs to be. Good memory stick though. It’s USB 3.0, a trait I’ve never exploited. I have USB 3.0 ports on my computer, but they’re on the back, which is kind of inconvenient. Oh the pointless things I own.

Anyway, I feel I’ve gone from having nothing to say, to running out of nothing to say, so I shall bid you good night, and fare well.

Thanks for reading, ta-ta.

Love Willski.

Not working, because of Star Trek Online

Posted in amazon, Deus Ex Human Revolution, HND Computing and Systems Development, Mass Effect 3, Rants, reminiscing, Stephenson's College, tedium, thoughts, XBOX 360 with tags on 29/02/2012 by willsalt

Good Evening.

Happy Wednesday, or not… As was correctly pointed out to me by a panda I have 9 days remaining to complete a college assignment. Over the last 4 days I haven’t really done anything except eat, sleep and play Star Trek Online. So I’m clearly making excellent progress.

I really need to stop doing that… spending all my free time playing games rather then working. Perhaps it’d help if I stopped thinking of it as “free time”, and more like “none-timetabled work time”… Of course, think of a better name.

On an unusual positive, it’s due on 09/03/2012, the European release date of Mass Effect 3, which in a way is a good thing. If I leave it to the night before I shouldn’t have ME3 to contend with – assuming Game get the delivery right. Skyrim was on time, but Deus Ex: Human Revolution was a day early… and I can’t think of anything else I pre-ordered from Game… I’m also overusing ellipses again…

I tend to go for Amazon, or Play. They aren’t so insistent on charging full price.

But back to work, I’ve been in here working for 35 minutes now, and my college day is officially about to start.

Thanks for reading, ta-ta.

Love Willski.

Sleep doesn’t come easily

Posted in HND Computing and Systems Development, Mass Effect 3, Stephenson's College, tedium, thoughts, XBOX 360 on 22/02/2012 by willsalt

Good Evening.

It really doesn’t, this morning, at about 02:30 I turned of TV, lights etc. stopped reading with the intent of going to sleep. As is now the norm for me, a little over 3 hours later when father was leaving for work (about quarter to six) I was thinking something like “Why am I still awake?”

As any of you avid readers of my blog will have noticed, I haven’t posted anything since my nonsensical note to Gary on January 19th. Prior to that my last “real” post was November 23rd, last year. So I’d like to say, my apologies for not posting much recently, the only excuses I have are:

  1. I’m incredibly lazy.
  2. Every hit on my blog is someone searching for either information about toby turner, or “salad plate”. Knowing that none of my visitors are here to read what I write isn’t a great motivator.

As it is, I believe the only reason I’m actually writing now is that I have an assignment to do by tomorrow, and as is the norm for me I’ve left it until the last day to do it. Not a great idea, because right now I’m thinking about axolotls listening to ABBA, and writing this, rather than writing VB… in this instance, the latter’s more important.

Every time I open the kitchen door, Archie falls into the lounge.

So, as the intelligent among you will know, on the 14th Bioware released a demo of Mass Effect 3. Seeing as I’d bought Battlefield 3 exclusively for the early access to the multiplayer (which later they gave you for free on facebook… that’d have saved me £40 if I’d known…) I decided to give it a go. Well, that and the fact that the mass effect franchise is my second favourite gaming franchise out there after The Elder Scrolls.

I know I’m prone to hyperbole when writing, but it’s awesome. I’ll concede there are a few things I don’t like, for example unlocks being random. The fact I don’t have a Turian yet. The fact that the 10 – 15 hours I’ve put into it have no effect on the final released game. But those few annoyances aside, it’s very good.

The combat feels a lot better than Mass Effect 2, in some nondescript kind of way…

But I’m terrible at reviewing things, so I’m going to stop there.

Happy Wednesday!

So, I’ve got to go through the assignment brief, and write the reports, that require software I don’t have, (downloading trials as we speak) and ascertain which segments were aimed for this assignment, unit 42, and which are just leftovers as he overwrote another assignment. On the plus side, it contains Axolotls.

Grr. Don’t you hate it when you buy a DVD, and they still expect you to sit through adverts?

Anyway, I’m going to stop this now so it stops distracting me.

Thanks for reading, ta-ta.

Love Willski.

Something i found lying around.

Posted in Friendlings, Gary, tedium, thoughts on 23/11/2011 by willsalt

Good Evening.

I found this lying around unposted.

Good Evening.

Right now, I’m at college. I got here at 08:44, I don’t have to be here until 09:15. I feel like I get here a bit earlier then I need to…

On a semi-related side note, I’m also typing on one of their keyboards. It’s unnecessarily heavy, they seem to have put a block of metal in it for some reason… not the point. On the back someone has written “working” in permanent marker. That seems a bit silly, what about when it stops working? It’s broken but labelled permanently as operational? Or is it working in a different context? On weekends might I expect to find this keyboard stacking shelves in Morrison’s? If so can I have it’s job, I’m sure having arms makes me better qualified.

You may have noticed I’m feeling lightly childish today.

I saw something rather unusual this morning. A brain damaged kitten, insensitively nicknamed “Spaggy”, fighting several sheets of bubble wrap.

The bubble wrap won.

As you may know, today is the 9th of November, although knowing me I wont post this until about 23:00 so you probably wont be reading this until the 10th. So it’s 2 days until Skyrim, I’m going to be really annoying till then aren’t I… at the moment most of my brain is occupied with Skyrim, well most of it that’s doing anything really noticeable… ignoring sensory perception, motor control etc. so most things that happen near me I try to link to Skyrim, which I guess is better then linking everything to youtubers…

But Skyrim’s released on Friday, and I’m at college on Fridays… so I’m not going to go home at lunch, because if either copy is there, I probably won’t come back in. I don’t like missing edumacation, but I like The Elder Scrolls franchise eve more. On the off chance that someone who reads this actually posts a comment, and is getting Skyrim, what are your plans for 11.11.11? and now I think I’ve used the term “Skyrim” too much in this post.

Panda’s late… he should have been here 44 seconds ago, and he’s only just arrived.

The Ethical chicken gets the tomato.

So, it’s now 11:41, and I’m meant to be writing about research methodologies or something… it’s not the most interesting thing in the world…

And I kind of neglected this, so it’s now 08:54, on Friday the 11th of November. So, happy birthday mother! And my apologies for inevitably abandoning you this evening to play Skyrim. Or, working on assumed post times, apologies for abandoning you last night to play skyrim.

On a potentially amusing side note, it’s 11.11.11 now, and the post normally arrives at about 11.

So hopefully my Skyrim (for PC, Xbox copy is coming by courier) will arrive at 11:11:11 11.11.11; or perhaps with one less one…

Doesn’t really matter, I probably wont get back until 14:00-15:00…

Just think mortals, this is probably the only 11.11.11 most of you will see. I doubt many of you will live until 11.11.2111. More fun will be in about 9,100 years when it’s 11.11.11111.

Hehe, optimistic people talking about “black Friday”, saying stuff like “there’s massive discounts, you’ll be able to get Modern Warfare 3 for 20 pence.”

No offence, but you’re idiots.

And now Stephenson College is stopping me going on the website for the courier that’s delivering me Skyrim CE, because it’s games. No it’s not, it’s a courier.

 Well, that’s boring.

Ta-ta, thanks for reading.

-Love Willski.

oh, and i’m not going to buy starcraft Gary.

Amazon ripping of Brits with Kindles? Thats mean of them! and a deceptive title.

Posted in amazon, Rants, tedium, thoughts on 07/11/2011 by willsalt

Good Evening.

I haven’t posted anything since something like the 20th of October. Sorry about that.

First off, I use a lot of hyperlinks here, so I’ll remind you on here, they’re orange.

Anyway, a Kindle from costs £89.

A kindle case costs £24.99

A kindle from costs $79, ($109 without sponsored screensavers)

A kindle case costs $29.99

Let’s have a look at that:

$109 = £67.8889, for brits, £89

$79 = £49.2056. For brits, £89

£29.99 = £18.6793. For brits, £24.99

(conversion rates as of 2011-11-07 22:15 UTC.)

So we’re spending 1.3 times as much, 1.8 times as much if you take the sponsored screensavers.

And for the case it’s 1.3 times as much again.

So simply put, amazon are charging us a third again for a Kindle, just because we live in England. Why? I don’t think it costs £21 to ship each kindle over here. And I’d assume (although to make it clear I’ve never checked) that they aren’t made in America, so they have to be shipped there anyway.

Apparently, made in china. 1 2

So what reason is there for the price difference? Let’s look at books.

Now this is interesting, for the most part books cost about the same both sides of the Atlantic. Isn’t that weird? They can have the same price globally! Why not carry that over to the devices we read the damn things on? I’ve got three examples there, so it’s not exactly a good sample, I checked more, but I’m too lazy to write them down.

The Lord of the rings $19.61  = £12.2138, for brits, £11.99.

The War of the Worlds $3.64  = £2.26695, for brits, £2.27.

IT – Stephen King $8.21 = £5.11315, for brits, £4.99.

So, Amazon, what’s with that? Why can’t you charge us the same as you charge over there? I’ll concede, the number, its close, but the value of that number? Not so much.

And on that note, why don’t we get the Kindle touch or kindle fire at all? Some interesting theories here.

Just for fun, let’s guess at the price. It’s $99 in America, and $139 without sponsored screensavers. Bear in mind, these are just following the patterns for previous pricing, so 1.3 times for the non-sponsored, 1.8 times for sponsored.

So I’ll do this a few ways.

$99 = £61.6589, *1.8 = 110.98602

$99 * 1.8 =$178.20 = £110.982

$139 = £86.5693, *1.3 = £112.54009

$139 * 1.3 = $180.7 = £112.540

Well, the mean result so far is £111.762035. Then they seem to round off to a nearby figure ending in 9, so £109, or £119.

EDIT 28/03/2012: Well, the Kindle touch, and Kindle Touch 3G have finally been released here, and I was close. Kindle touch is £109, so I pretty much got that one right, the 3G is £169.

For now, that’s all I’m going to say on that, and when you look at that, remember that the UK figures have VAT, apparently the American taxes aren’t shown in the listed price, which messes up my calculations. VAT at present is 20% so for better comparisons, I’ll have to play with that a bit, I may do that tomorrow.

Till then, and after I suppose, Thanks for reading, Ta-ta.

Love Willski.

(now I have loads of hyperlinks to make… sarcastic yay…)

Tedium sucks, money, and things…

Posted in Assassins Creed Revelations, Crysis - Maximum Edition, Crysis 2, Dead Space, DeadSpace 2, Driving, Driving Lessons, Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition, Family, Gears of War, Gears of War 2, Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary, HND Computing and Systems Development, Mother, Other Software, PC, RAGE, Rants, reminiscing, Software4Students, Stephenson's College, tedium, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, The Lord of the Rings War in the North, The Sims 3, The Sims 3 Pets, thoughts, XBOX 360 on 10/10/2011 by willsalt

Good Evening.

It’s Sunday. I didn’t know that, I thought it was Saturday. I should probably pay more attention…

So I’m under orders from my mother to wake up early tomorrow to await a phone call from Personnel Plus to work at Clarke Rubicon. Yay! Tedious manual labour.

Now, I don’t mean to sound egotistical, self-righteous, pompous, arrogant, whatever, even if a lot of those are probably accurate… but I’m of moderate to above average intelligence. And tedious manual labour isn’t exactly mentally stimulating. If it were in a circumstance where I could think properly then it may be bearable, but the abundance of unnecessarily loud machinery prevents that. Now I understand the importance of employment, income, financial gain in this world. And I don’t expect some perfect high paying job to drop into my lap, I’ve never been that fortunate.

It’s times like these that I envy those lucky sods like Kathleen Elliot, Toby Turner, Cory Williams, Phillip DeFranco, Justine Ezarik that can, after several years struggling financially, can get by just doing something the enjoy like making videos for youtube.

But none of my hobbies would support that. Can’t make a living of playing games. Well, maybe if I could write about them… go to machinima or something… but I can’t do that.

This is a rather self-indulgent rant isn’t it? I think it’s main intent is to convey this message to my mother without having to actually talk to her…

Anyway, where was i?

Err… whatever… something more fun!

As you may know, I recently started a HND computing and systems development course at Stephenson College. As a result I qualify for Student finance. I recently received the first payment of that, totalling to just over £1,800. Combined with the meagre funds I already possessed that totalled to approximately £2,000. Now if I take out the cost of the games I’ve pre-ordered, paying board to my mother, and paying her back for my computer. along with things like a bag for college, a new Tobuscus shirt, and a few things I ordered myself. (Oh, and the £85 I spent on my parents this morning), that’s  £1,336.54 spent, assuming prices of pre-orders don’t change. So that’s £871.73 that I’ll have spent by now, assuming mother has cashed the cheque I gave her.

I did a great job at the ‘more fun’ didn’t i?

Hehe, Anthony Stewart Head in Sweeney Todd. Has an odd British accent. Close to the stereotype held by most americans. I think a lot of them got it from his performance in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Good show that.

What’s on the current list then? Obviously things that I don’t have to pay for until after 19/01/2012 aren’t on this list.

  • Crysis 2 £19.99
  • Crysis – Maximum Edition             £12.41
  • Gears of War 2  £15.60
  • Gears of War – Classics Edition    £9.60
  • Dead Space 2     £12.50
  • Fallout 3 GotY    £12.50
  • Dead Space        £13.29
  • RAGE     £40.92
  • Bag & other things           £54.92
  • computer payment 1 & Board    £680.00
  • Parents birthday presents           £85.55
  • The Sims 3 Pets £26.93
  • Skyrim CE            £129.99
  • Skyrim PC            £29.92
  • Skyrim guide      £17.99
  • Assassins Creed Revelation Animus Edition          £68.99
  • Halo: CE Anniversary      £31.94
  • LotR WitN CE      £54.60
  • LotR WitN            £38.89

They’re in order paid for, for things after, or immediately before first payment… with current prices. I think I ended up paying £5 less for RAGE…

Okay, and I just spent about £40 on Kaspersky Internet Security for my new computer.

Can’t wait until January, because all my big payments, like the new computer, software, games, fall in the first payment. I’ll have much more that I’m not wasting on unnecessary shit. Although at that point I may be paying for my own driving lessons…

Anyway, enough serious thought for one day. It’s 23:48.

So, I have RAGE. Interesting game. It has a very nice introduction. Graphically it’s far better than I was expecting. Unfortunately, the start is a bit linear. I assume you get more freedom later. But animations are quite good, firearms, very weird styles… I think I’m going to need to play that a lot more to write something more substantial on the matter.

So, until then… which will be a while… thanks for reading, ta-ta.

Love Willski.

Oh, and does anyone know how I can put .swf files of here without paying?

Informalities, paedophiles and please don’t say “inbox me”.

Posted in Archie, Family, HND Computing and Systems Development, ICT, Molly, Mother, Pets, Rants, reminiscing, Sodahead, Stephenson's College, tedium, thoughts, Wayne on 04/10/2011 by willsalt

Good Evening.

I just emailed Colin, and looking back at that email, realised I ended it with:

“-Love Willski.”

Err, I think that’s wrong… or at least highly informal…

Anyway, Quick question. Can you (you personally) make websites in HTML-ey-ness. All that <head></Head><p><br /> nonsense? Because I’m not very good at it. Okay, yes, I can remember it all, nothing wrong there, my memory can be quite good. But actually using it, I find tricky.

And there’s a bunch of people running around in circles over there…. Look like students from nearby primary school have been taken to a field to play with sheep. That’s weird… it’s like they’re putting on a show for paedophiles.

Come to this field, watch children running around in shorts! You can pretend you’re walking you dog.

Am I even allowed to post this now? I’d just like to say, I’m not supporting paedophilia, but a nearby primary school seems to. Not really. I think they’re too large to be primary school children…

Bleh, spent 5 minutes staring out the window at nothing, now my eyes wont focus. Not properly anyway, makes typing tricky… where was I?

Ahh yes, so writing stuff in HTML-ey-ness. As Kurt said last Wednesday, it’s the kind of thing you’d have expected to be covered by a level 3 computer based course. But the useful stuff, like this, isn’t covered by A-Level ICT.

Dogs are barking, does that mean parents are back? If they are I’m going to slap them for not leaving nice food for me to steal. Nope, just a large yellow van that pulled up then left again. Went to visit the dogs to stop them barking. They all stopped, stared at me, and then yawned, in unison.

So I’ve now stolen Doctor Who series one off Emski. I miss this intro and all the not-so-subtle references to bad wolf.

I want to hug a Dalek. Where can I find one? I fear I may get singed if I try… they tend to have energy weapons… and occasionally heat based shields…

Okay, that’s annoying. The credits have “Doctor Who Christopher Eccleston”. The characters called the Doctor.

How often do you see a facebook status, or similar, that says something like “I’ve changed my phone number, inbox me and I’ll send it to you.” Isn’t it a bit annoying? For starters, “inbox”. Well, both my phones have an SMS inbox. Also MMS or whatever that one is, along with several others. Then at present I monitor 3 of my email addresses, which if I remember correctly all can be set up with multiple inboxes. Then I have Sodahead, and a variety of forums with personal messaging systems, which have inboxes. Then of course, there’s facebooks messaging system. But with that you message someone, you don’t inbox them.


“You look a little dizzy”

“What about you, you’re not even in focus”

Where was I? The second thing, aah yes, so why use the term “inbox me”? You want them to send you an inbox? That’s the phrasing you’d normally use isn’t it? Same with ‘punch me’, or ‘feed me’. The message goes to the inbox, but people don’t say “external dermal layer of the lower abdomen me” or “stomach me” respectively.

I think that annoys me a little bit more than it should.

So where was i? aah yes, I was told by my ICT teacher at KE VII that they teach ICT as it’s far more useful then Computing. Well, ICT as it turns out, consists of using Microsoft Access, and some basic business (organization structure and all that.) with a teensy tiny bit of network structure thrown in there, and some passing references to hardware. We use monitors, but only if they’re as far away as possible, the top of the screens at eye level and they’re not flickering or reflecting, otherwise they violate The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992.

Now I’m not sure, but I think being taught to write and understand basic HTML is more useful than being told not to put my head through a CRT monitor. That’s just common sense really.

YAY! Xbox website is working again. Not that I need to use it or anything… just nice to know I can if I want to.

I keep getting asked by my mother if I really want to do my college course, or whether I’m just doing it as a sort of last resort, I must do something. I think that little rant should be a bit of an indication. I’m happy to do this course, because it’s actually useful.  Don’t get me wrong, the ICT course, and the Science courses I did are useful to, but they were for the most part academic, lacking in a practical stuff. Judging from the course booklet thing, I’ll learn some actual practical knowledge, something useful. It’s much better. I think I’ll be happy doing it.

On that note, thanks for reading, have a good night. Well, morning now.


Love Willski.

College, and expensive things…

Posted in Breakfast, Cats, Films, Food, JacksFilms, Jesus Christ Superstar, Molly, Music, PC, Pets, Rants, reminiscing, Sean Klitzner, Sodahead, tedium, thoughts, Tobuscus/Toby Turner, Toby Turner, Wendy, YouTube on 26/09/2011 by willsalt

Good evening.

I had my second day at college today, that was fun. Met Courtney Thompson and Kris… and there’s only one name there I know I spelt correctly.

And I got mother to buy me a computer. YAY! Expensive computer…

Molly bit  kitten! The Bitch! Well, she is a female dog. (It died 3-4 days later).

So, is paying £79 for a fancy case sensible? It’s certainly deceptive, but there’s nothing wrong with that. Hehe, I imagine it’s not my wisest decision. But I think it’ll be the most expensive thing I own, monitors £180… I think, Xbox was just over £200, Halo Reach just under £100… err, the safe was about £20… the bed’s not really mine, don’t know how much it cost though… current computer’s £450… Hi-Fi was expensive… but it’s nearly as old as my TV, which was I think around £100, now worth a lot less, it’s what, a 14” CRT that doesn’t even receive digital…

Err, the fish tank was quite pricey…

Anyway, not enough here. I shall continue this tomorrow, I don’t like posting 178 words.

Good evening, again…

I haven’t done any work on my bridging assessment since Tuesday, which is odd, because I’ve only got about two lines left, and I know what I’m supposed to say.

Interesting… It’s raining! In England!

So, I forgot my Game password. Then got my account locked trying to guess it, and now have to contact customer services. If they want me to phone them, I think I’ll just report the card lost, get a new one, and a new game account. It’s cheaper than phoning. Not sure it’s how you’re supposed to handle this sort of situation though…

Ahh, it’s nearly 8 hours later.

Sodahead is fun; you get to say things like this:

The death penalty is there for those who have supposedly lost the right to life, usually through some crime, such as murder.

Now, I’m not sure, but I think most foetuses aren’t mass murderers.


I’d rather feed Rachael Ray to a starving Tiger. She’s got more meat on her, more nutritious. Not that I have any clue who she is…

Fun place.

Good evening. For the third time in one post, lucky you!

There’s a phone on my desk… well, there’s 3… but one of them isn’t mine. I keep getting told to phone people… Why is everyone so obsessed with Telephones? I prefer email. It’s much more polite, and usually doesn’t require actual speech, and you’re not trying to force them to correspond at a certain time. It’s just checking your emails whenever you like, and reply in your own time rather then “TALK TO ME NOWT TALK TO ME NOW! TALK TO ME NOW!” and yes, that’s quoting Stephen Fry with different formatting.

And I just chased a cat out of my room with a Katana… I also emailed the people I was supposed to phone.

And Emski’s supposed to be getting me a Morrison’s Application form… yay?

Now this is something I haven’t done for a while. Sitting in this chair, the sun coming through my window, roasting my left leg through a pair of jeans, and Jesus Christ Superstar playing on my computer.

I just toasted with a lamp and a glass of coke. I think the same glass I killed that keyboard with…

Hehe, so I’m working on the assumption I have a driving lesson this afternoon, I’ll find out when Simi returns. On foot, probably not, driving someone else’s car, either driving lesson, or he’s acquired a penchant for thievery.

A trick or two with lepers,

and the whole towns on it is feet

He is dangerous!

They say that second one a lot…

So, while awaiting Simis return, I’m eating Krackawheat, Crispy Wheat & Rye Crackers.

Ooh, that reminds me, I have to de-activate my blood bowl activation key… that’s weird… yeah, they’re one use, but you can un-use them… which I’ll need to do if I want to install it on my new computer; which should be dispatched in an average of 8.4 days! Well, 11.4 days from when it was ordered… and that was Friday I think…

Aww, they changed filter from the orange one to the blue one! And there are some very weird facial expressions…

Hehe, sorry, I’m commenting on Jesus Christ Superstar again.

Hehe, it’s Rick Mayal. One ‘l’ or two?

Okay, Emski, Simi, Mother and Father have gone on a little family outing. To Morrison’s. weird… then again, we have days out at Ikea, so I can’t say I’m surprised. It’s better than Alton Towers.

II feel like typing vast quantities of text, but I don’t have anything to say…Let’s look for inspiration. What can I see? Toby Turner on blog TV. The Powder Toy, Microsoft Word, with this in, and there’s an MSN chat window with Tom… err… yeah, only one of those is really interesting… But can’t really comment on that…

Anyway, I got a phone call today, that was surprising… doesn’t usually happen to me. It was an employee of somewhere asking me to work tomorrow… which means I have to be there at twenty to eight… hmm… working, good, something to do. And presumably money! YAY! But having to wake up probably before 07:00, which is less fun. I just heard a door closed and Emski running up the stairs… yay, free Ben & Jerries ice cream! Maths later…

Err… I’ve run out…  that was, what, 17g of protein, 127.5 g of carbohydrates and 63.75g of fat… this is a healthy day for me…

I’m glad I’m replacing this computer… it seems to be giving up at the moment…

And on that note, I think I’m going to post these three blogs…

Thanks for reading, ta-ta.

Love Willski.

Oh, and if you’re a fan of Toby Turner, Jacks Films, Sean Klitzner, Tay Zonday or just good/amusing music, watch Take off Your Clothes (Like Scarlett Johansson). (Click here for the link, or watch the incredibly minaturised version below.)




/* Style Definitions */
{mso-style-name:”Table Normal”;
mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt;
mso-bidi-font-family:”Times New Roman”;

Good evening. For the third time in one post, lucky you!

There’s a phone on my desk… well, there’s 3… but one of them isn’t mine. I keep getting told to phone people… Why is everyone so obsessed with Telephones? I prefer email. It’s much more polite, and usually doesn’t require actual speech, and you’re not trying to force them to correspond at a certain time. It’s just checking your emails whenever you like, and reply in your own time rather then “TALK TO ME NOWT TALK TO ME NOW! TALK TO ME NOW!” and yes, that’s quoting Stephen Fry with different formatting.

And I just chased a cat out of my room with a Katana… I also emailed the people I was supposed to phone.

And Emski’s supposed to be getting me a Morrison’s Application form… yay?

Now this is something I haven’t done for a while. Sitting in this chair, the sun coming through my window, roasting my left leg through a pair of jeans, and Jesus Christ Superstar playing on my computer.

I just toasted with a lamp and a glass of coke. I think the same glass I killed that keyboard with…

Hehe, so I’m working on the assumption I have a driving lesson this afternoon, I’ll find out when Simi returns. On foot, probably not, driving someone else’s car, either driving lesson, or he’s acquired a penchant for thievery.

A trick or two with lepers,

and the whole towns on it is feet

He is dangerous!

They say that second one a lot…

So, while awaiting Simis return, I’m eating Krackawheat, Crispy Wheat & Rye Crackers.

Ooh, that reminds me, I have to de-activate my blood bowl activation key… that’s weird… yeah, they’re one use, but you can un-use them… which I’ll need to do if I want to install it on my new computer; which should be dispatched in an average of 8.4 days! Well, 11.4 days from when it was ordered… and that was Friday I think…

Aww, they changed filter from the orange one to the blue one! And there are some very weird facial expressions…

Hehe, sorry, I’m commenting on Jesus Christ Superstar again.

Hehe, it’s Rick Mayal. One ‘l’ or two?

Okay, Emski, Simi, Mother and Father have gone on a little family outing. To Morrison’s. weird… then again, we have days out at Ikea, so I can’t say I’m surprised. It’s better than Alton Towers.

II feel like typing vast quantities of text, but I don’t have anything to say…Let’s look for inspiration. What can I see? Toby Turner on blog TV. The Powder Toy, Microsoft Word, with this in, and there’s an MSN chat window with Tom… err… yeah, only one of those is really interesting… But can’t really comment on that…

Anyway, I got a phone call today, that was surprising… doesn’t usually happen to me. It was an employee of somewhere asking me to work tomorrow… which means I have to be there at twenty to eight… hmm… working, good, something to do. And presumably money! YAY! But having to wake up probably before 07:00, which is less fun. I just heard a door closed and Emski running up the stairs… yay, free Ben & Jerries ice cream! Maths later…

Err… I’ve run out…  that was, what, 17g of protein, 127.5 g of carbohydrates and 63.75g of fat… this is a healthy day for me…

I’m glad I’m replacing this computer… it seems to be giving up at the moment…

And on that note, I think I’m going to post these three blogs…

Thanks for reading, ta-ta.

Love Willski.